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The leadership Renaissance

The leadership Renaissance

During the last three decades, we have seen a renaissance of leadership, and like never before, there is a display of hunger for leaders and transformational leadership, all the more ready for the challenges, that so easily beset us.

Passion is born out of deep-rooted convictions

Become an integral part of the transformation, a transformational, convictional leader who can make a profound difference in transforming a deserving generation of leaders.

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The leader’s belief

The leader’s belief

Someone said “Seeing is believing”, but I believe, this is a limiting belief, and the exact opposite applies.

Convictions, explain the courage of how renowned convictional leaders, like Solzhenitsyn, could defy the inhumanity of the Soviet Union, how Nelson Mandela could give hope to a people from a prison cell, how Margaret Thatcher could move far from compromise and declare “The lady is not for turning”, and Martin Luther King, writing his famous letter, from a Birmingham jail.

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The Leader and intelligence

The Leader and intelligence

I’m convinced that if the leader develops the capacity to think in convictional terms, he will lead followers to do the same.

Daniel Goleman, in studying more than two hundred companies, established that whilst intellect, cognitive skills, and long-term big picture thinking, was a huge driver of outstanding performance, emotional intelligence proved to be twice as important as the others at all job levels.

The leader will have to lean into intuition every day!

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The leader’s belief

The leader as a story teller

The leader draws followers into a story that frames and affects all of life.

The most successful leaders, know how to lead out of the power of the narrative, and frame the identity of the mission, always including their own story, into the main body of the larger story.

The leader’s whole life in essence, becomes an extension of the story, and if the story is not worthy of the leaders and others lives, then the cause is not worthy of the effort.

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The Leader and intelligence

The leader’s worldview

The leader must shape the worldview of followers, and it is therefore, one of the most intellectual challenges a leader will face.

People do not think issue by issue in detail, instead, we operate out of what is called a vision, or our worldview.
Visions are the silent shapers of our thoughts.

Ideas have consequences, and leaders change and influence the way followers think about the world, what could be more exhilarating than that!

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The leadership Renaissance

The leader’s passion

Passionate leaders, driven by passionate beliefs, draw passionate followers!

Without passion nothing important happens.

The passionate leader is driven by the knowledge that the right beliefs, aimed at the right opportunity, can lead to earth shaking changes.

Convictional leadership, requires a large dose of passion, to succeed!

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The leader’s belief

The leader as a thinker

Leadership begins, when you learn to think like a leader, and leadership is not achieved, until followers learn to think as well.

Be sure, the quality of your actions, will not exceed the quality of your thinking, and careful attention to thinking, is what sets leaders apart.

“Hunches “are actually products of years of learning and thinking, and the idea that the leader is some kind of mystical guru or shaman, is unhealthy and unworkable, especially over time.

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The Leader and intelligence

The leader as a teacher

Teachers change the way we see the world, and they often change the way we understand ourselves. Every great leader is a great teacher, and the greatest leaders seize every opportunity, to teach well.

The knowledge economy is not a passing fad – it is the shape of the future, and the leader who makes the greatest impact, will be the master teacher who trains leaders at every level, to teach with faithfulness, enthusiasm and confidence.

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The leadership Renaissance

The leader’s character

Leaders are trusted when their lives are in alignment with their convictions.

Elections come and go, but one thing is certain, questions about the leader’s character always arise.

One does not have to be a political scientist to understand why, character not only matters in leadership, it is essential.

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The Leader and intelligence

The leader’s credibility

Leadership happens when character and competence are combined!

No leader can be effective without character, but character does not ensure that a leader is effective.

A good leader stands out, when character is matched by competence, and the central virtue of knowing what to do.

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The leadership Renaissance

The leader as a communicator

The leaders most essential skill, is the ability to communicate, over and over again!

Leadership doesn’t happen until communication happens. The leader may have the most brilliant strategy in mind, the most breath-taking vision, an irrepressible passion but if these are not communicated to others, leadership does not occur.

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The leader’s belief

The power of the leader

The faithful leader knows that power is never an end in itself.

When people think of leadership, they often think of power, and there’s no denying that a leader wields power.The most sobering thought, the leader will make decisions that will impact other people’s lives, by virtue of the stewardship and leadership invested in the individual.

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The leader’s belief