During the last three decades, we have seen a renaissance of leadership, and like never before, there is a display of hunger for leaders and transformational leadership, all the more ready for the challenges, that so easily beset us.

There is no shortage of interest, books or leadership programs. So, what’s the problem?

The problem is that too little attention is paid to what leaders believe, which is the most central part of the leader, and his or her leadership. The leader’s hierarchy of values, are not apparent enough to us, but it’s important to stress, if the leader is human, they will align their goals with their hierarchy of values, and will subconsciously seek to meet these, no matter what. It is a two-edged sword, followers with great convictions, desiring to lead but who lack the basic equipment to lead and who are not yet quite ready to lead and leaders passionate about leading, masters of motivation, vision, strategy and execution, but are not sure what they believe, and why it matters. They lack a centre of gravity in truth.

So, what to do now? Let’s transform believers into leaders and leaders into believers!! Leadership must be redefined and made inseparable from passionately held convictions, so that leaders lead from conviction, and change the world for the better. The world is not only looking but in dire need of leadership that is not merely management, who when they speak give followers hope and determination to fight the good fight, no matter what the odds.

Leadership, who do not talk in vague political bromides or who present indiscernible goals, but who speak with passion and the possibility of life changing ideas.

Passion is born out of deep-rooted convictions!

More than ever before the hunger for leadership has reached every sector of society, who must surpass the likes of, Hitler, Lenin, Benito, Mussolini, Stalin and Zedong who left the world of the 20th century a legacy and laboratory of brutal and murderous leadership.

We must see days in our time, under our watch that surpass the authoritarian personality that seems to claim that any ambition to lead, is based on unhealthy psychological needs which produce very dangerous and disastrous results.

So, the challenge. Become an integral part of the transformation, a transformational, convictional leader who can make a profound difference in transforming a deserving generation of leaders.