Someone said “Seeing is believing”, but I believe, this is a limiting belief, and the exact opposite applies.

The leader who is driven by convictions, will see his convictions leading to action, and action that will count. Authentic leadership, does not simply emerge out of a vacuum, but the leadership that counts and matters, is deeply convictional. You can divide all leaders, into those who hold office, and those who hold great convictions. Life is too short, to pay attention to leaders who stand for little or nothing, leaders who are looking for the next program, riding the latest fad, driving after every new idea, but unfortunately driven, by no real true convictions.

Leaders who matter and are making a difference, are making this difference precisely because convictions matter, and not simply filling a position and looking for a safe place to land. Convictions, explain the courage of how renowned convictional leaders, like Solzhenitsyn, could defy the inhumanity of the Soviet Union, how Nelson Mandela could give hope to a people from a prison cell, how Margaret Thatcher could move far from compromise and declare “The lady is not for turning”, and Martin Luther King, writing his famous letter, from a Birmingham jail.

If you think about it, leaders that made a difference in history, are leaders who espoused strong convictions, about life, liberty, truth, human dignity, and freedom. These type leaders, are driven and propelled into action, by deeply held convictions, which are transferred to followers, who join the concerted action, and do what they know is right and true. Convictions are not merely held beliefs, but beliefs that hold us in their grip, truths that are deeply held and turned into convictions. These convictions, then anchor our passion, and to which, we become personally committed, and dedicated.

At the centre, of the true leader’s heart and mind, are convictions that drive and determine everything else. Here I stand, is the manifesto, of convictional leadership.

Sadly, too few leaders today, have an idea of what they believe, or are driven by no clear and discernible convictions. Without convictions, nothing really matters, and nothing of significance is passed on. Leadership is about making sense, and framing our understanding of the world, and then putting our convictions into action, and that without these convictions, you may be able to merely manage, but you will not lead.

Convictional intelligence is required, for exceptional leadership. This leadership, first believes, and then sees.