What will it take to transform your leadership?
Effective leaders need more that administrative skills and vision. They need to change the hearts and minds of those they lead. Leadership like this requires passionate beliefs that can stand up to pressure from without and within.
Michael Buckton & Associates will share principles to crystalise your convictions and values and revolutionise your thinking, your decision making and communication and ultimately those whom you have the honour of leading. We do not merely aim to add one more voice to the conversation but fundamentally change the way leadership is understood and practiced.
For the better part of the last three decades, leadership has been a major cultural pre-occupation and a professional obsession and yet something seems to be missing. You will discover that leadership cannot be separated from passionately held beliefs and values. We believe that the generation of leaders that leads with these deeply held beliefs and values will not only be ready to lead, but be part of a generation that sets the world ablaze.
Your Legacy as a Leader
In the end the leader’s goal is to leave a lasting imprint. What will you leave behind? The leader unconcerned about leaving a legacy, is a leader who will leave the job undone. Without a legacy, our lives and leadership, amount to little more than a holding pattern, in a world of decay. The leader’s central concern with regard to legacy, is the perpetuation of conviction. We lead because we possess deep beliefs that mature into convictions. Our leadership consists of developing those convictions in others, who will then act together in the service of those beliefs, motivated to common action, in the mission of sharing those convictions, and living them out.
The only antidote to the decline and fall of an organisation or movement, is the perpetuation of the convictions. Without the passing on of the fundamental beliefs, intact and in living colour, those convictions will soon be eclipsed. The leader also bares the responsibility of building a leadership team, and hiring outstanding individuals, who fully share the leader’s convictions and vision, without hesitation or mental hesitation. The leader must drive the convictions and beliefs so deeply into the culture and ethos of the organisation, that alteration or abandonment, is seen as taboo or betrayal. This could be seen as the essential, “Statement of beliefs.”
Are you determined to leave a legacy of conviction, and a living organisation, a perpetuation of convictions, for the furtherance of a worthy mission – nothing less? Your legacy, is all that remains, when you have gone!